Many individuals look forward to when they turn 65 years old. For the majority of them, they finally get to retire after nearly 40 years of work and are now eligible for the government's health insurance program, Medicare, and Social Security. As a result, they know they will be taken care of so they can retire without worry. Medicare was signed into law on July 30, 1965 during the Lyndon B Johnson administration. As part of the ceremony, President Johnson handed out the very first Medicare card to former President Harry S. Truman. Not only will President Truman be remembered as the United State's thirty-third president, he will also be known as the first Medicare beneficiary!
Medicare does not only cover health insurance for those over 65 years of age; other special groups of individuals also fall under its umbrella of care. One such exception is those who have Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig's disease. The term durable medical equipment is used specifically to mean the equipment for which Medicare is obligated to pay under Title XVII of the Social Security Act. This equipment ranges from wheelchairs and hospital beds to iron lungs and oxygen tents. For those with diabetes, regardless of what type, Medicare will cover the cost of blood-testing strips and blood glucose.
All of the equipment covered by Medicare is subject to necessity of course. Individuals need to prove their need with a note from a doctor. Several large and small companies carry durable medical equipment because a growing number of US citizens are falling under Medicare. If you have Medicare and need a certain item, there is a possibility that it is covered by Title XVII. Before you make any expensive purchases, check with your doctor or a medical equipment supply company to see if Medicare will cover the cost of that item. Saving money is always a good thing!
High quality medical equipment is extremely expensive and that is why so many people are thankful for Medicare in this country. It is a relief to know that you can get the medical treatment you need after you retire. Several articles online will tell you more about durable medical equipment. Make sure you know what you are eligible for before you pay the expenses out of your own wallet!
If you would like more information about durable medical equipment or medical products, please visit the Medical Machines Online website.
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